80386 Microprocessor Instruction Set Pdf

  1. 80386 Instruction Set Pdf
  2. 8086 Microprocessor Pdf
  3. 80386 Microprocessor Instruction Set Pdf Instructions
The instruction set of 80386 contains all the instructions supported by·80286. The 80286 instructions are designed to operate with 8-bit or 16-bit data, while the same mnemonics for 80386 instruction set may be executed over 32-bit operands, besides 8-bit and 16-bit operands.
The newly added instructions may be categorized into the following functional groups.
1. Bit scan instructions
2. Bit test instructions
3. Conditional set byte instructions
4. Shift double instructions
5. Control transfer via gates instructions.
1. Bit Scan Instructions: 80386 instruction set has two bit scan mnemonics, such as BSF (bit scan forward) and BSR (bit scan reverse). Both of these instructions scan the operand for a '1' bit, without actually rotating it. The BSF instruction scans the operand from right to left. If a '1' is encountered during the scan, zero flag is set and the bit position of '1' is stored into the destination operand. If no '1' is encountered, zero flag is reset. The BSR instruction also performs the same function but scans the source operand from the left most bit towards right.
2. Bit Test Instructions: 80386 have four bit test instructions, those are BT (test a bit), BTC (test a bit and complement), BTR (test and reset a bit) and BTS (test and set a bit). All these instructions test a bit position in the destination operand, specified by the source operand. If the bit position of the destination operand specified by the source operand satisfies the condition specified in the mnemonic, the carry flag is affected appropriately. For example, in the case of BT instruction, if the bit position in the destination operand, specified by the source operand, is '1', the carry flag is set, otherwise, it is cleared.
3. Conditional Set Byte instruction: This instruction sets all the operand bits, if the condition specified by the mnemonic is true. This instruction group has 16 mnemonics corresponding to 16 conditions as shown below.
E.g. SETO EAX; this instruction sets all the bits of EAX, if the overflow flag is set.
1. SETO Set on overflow
2. SETNO Set on no overflow
3. SETB/SETNAE Set on below/not above or equal
4. SETNB/SETAE Set on not below/above or equal
5. SETE/SETZ Set on equal/zero
6. SETNE/SETNZ Set on not equal/not zero
7. SETBE/SETNA Set on below or equal/not above
8. SETNBE/SETA Set on not below or equal/above
9. SETS Set on sign
10. SETNS Set on not sign
11. SETP/SETPE Set on parity/parity even
12. SETNP Set on not parity/parity odd
13. SETUSETNGE Set on less/not greater or equal
14. SETNUSET GE Set on not less/greater or equal
15. SETLE/SETNG Set on less or equal/not greater
16. SETNLE/SETG Set on not less or equal/greater
4. Shift Double Instructions: These instructions shift the specified number of bits from the source operand into the destination operand. The 80386 instruction set has two mnemonics under this category, such as SHLD (shift left double) and SHRD (shift right double). The SHLD instruction shifts the specified number of bits (in the instruction) from the upper side, i.e. MSB of the source operand into the lower side, i.e. LSB of the destination operand. The SHRD instruction shifts the number of bits specified in the instruction from the lower side, i.e. LSB of the source operand into the upper side, .i.e. MSB of the destination operand.
Ex: 1. SHLQ EAX, ECX, 5; This instruction shifts 5 MSB bits of ECX into the LSB positions of EAX one by one starting from the MSB of ECX. 2. SHRD EAX, ECX, 8; this instruction shifts 8 LSB bits of ECX into the MSB positions of EAX one by one starting from the LSB of ECX.
5. Control Transfer Instructions: The 80386 instruction set does not have any additional instructions for the intrasegment jump. However, for intersegment jumps, it has got a set of new instructions which are variations of the previous CALL and JUMP instructions, and are to be executed only in the protected mode. These instructions are used by 80386 to transfer the control either at the same privilege or at a different privilege level. Also, different versions of control transfer instructions are available to switch between the different task types and TSS (task state segment). The corresponding RET instructions are also available to switch back from the new task initiated via CALL, JMP or INT instructions to the parent task. Intel's 80387 has eight 80-bit floating point data registers, which are used to store signed 80-bit data in the form of exponent and significant. Each of these registers has a corresponding 2-bit tag field. The 80387 has a 16-bit control, status and tag word registers. The 80387 has two more 48-bit registers called as instruction and data pointers. The instruction and data pointer registers respectively point to the failing math coprocessor instruction and the corresponding numeric data, which is referred by the CPU. Two bits are allotted for each of the registers R0-R7 in the tag word. Also the tag bits can be used by the exception handlers to check the contents of a stack location without any manipulation. The status word represents the overall status of the coprocessor.
The 80387 can be configured by loading a control word from memory to its control word register. The control word register has exactly similar format as that of 80287.
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The iSL was introduced as a power-efficient version for laptop computers.

The processor was a significant evolution in the x86 architecture, and extended a long line of processors that stretched back to the Intel The i math coprocessor was not ready in time for the introduction of theand so many of the early motherboards instead provided a socket and hardware logic to make use of an The original was subsequently renamed DX to avoid confusion. Retrieved from ” https: This provided an upgrade path for users with compatible hardware. In MayIntel announced that production ,icroprocessor stop at the end of September SMMas well as different “sleep” modes to conserve battery power.

Chief architect in the development of the was John H. Many upgrade kits were advertised as being simple drop-in replacements, but often required complicated software to control the cache or clock doubling. In other projects Wikimedia Commons.

80386 microprocessor instruction set pdf file

Intel – Wikipedia

The extra functions and circuit implementation techniques caused this variant to have over 3 times as many transistors as the iDX. Overall, it was very difficult to configure upgrades to produce the results advertised on the packaging, and upgrades were often not very stable or not fully compatible.

IBM therefore chose to rely on that processor for a couple more years. Retrieved March 15, — via archive. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These latter processors were sold as good parts, since at the time bit capability was not relevant for most users. The first computers were released around October The following data types are directly supported and thus implemented by one or more machine instructions ; these data types are briefly described here.

The original Compaq Deskpro is an example of such design.

EX Datasheet(PDF) – Intel Corporation

System and power management and built in peripheral and support functions: The featured three operating modes: Early in production, Intel discovered intrl marginal circuit that could cause a system to return incorrect results from bit multiply operations.

It also contained support for an external cache of 16 to 64 kB.

Such systems using an or one of many derivatives are common in aerospace technology and electronic musical instruments, among others. New forms of MOV instruction are used to access them.

Debug registers DR0—DR7 were added for hardware breakpoints.

Intel microprocessors Computer-related introductions in Intel x86 microprocessors. Over the years, successively newer implementations of the same architecture have become several hundreds of microprocessr faster than the original and thousands of times faster than the AMD introduced its compatible Am processor in March after overcoming legal obstacles, thus ending Intel’s 4. Third parties offered a wide range of upgrades, for both SX and DX systems.

Single-sourcing the allowed Intel greater control over its development and substantially greater profits in later years. Such chips are now extremely rare and became collectible.

Since the DX design contained an FPUthe chip that replaced the contained the floating-point functionality, and the chip that replaced the served very little purpose. However, this was an annoyance to those who depended on floating-point performance, as the performance advantages of the over the were significant. The was for a time 4. The Intelalso known as i or justis a bit microprocessor introduced in Transparent power management mode and integrated MMU.

Not all of the processors already manufactured were affected, so Intel tested its inventory. The was introduced in Octoberwhile manufacturing of the chips in significant quantities commenced in June This decision was ultimately crucial to Intel’s success in the market. The processor offered several power-management options e. InIntel introduced the SXmost often referred to as the SXa cut-down version of the with a bit data bus mainly intended for lower-cost PCs aimed at the home, educational, and small-business markets, while the DX would remain the high-end variant used in workstations, servers, and other demanding tasks.

80386 Microprocessor Instruction Set Pdf

However, Intel subsequently used the “DX” suffix to refer to the floating-point capability of the DX.

The predecessor of the was the Intela bit processor with a segment -based memory management and protection system. As the original implementation of the bit extension of the architecture, [3] the instruction set, programming model, and binary encodings are still the common denominator for all bit x86 processors, which is termed the iarchitecturex86or IAdepending on context. The string is copied one byte 8-bit character at a time.

80386 Instruction Set Pdf

The SX was packaged in a surface-mount QFP and sometimes offered in a socket to allow for an upgrade. The upgrade was a pair of chips that replaced both the and The example code uses the EBP base pointer register to establish a call framean area on the stack that contains all of the parameters and local variables for the execution of the subroutine.


Intel 80386

8086 Microprocessor Pdf

The bit can correctly execute most code intended microprkcessor the earlier bit processors such as and that were ubiquitous in early PCs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The added a bit architecture and a paging translation unit, which made it much easier to implement operating systems that used virtual memory.

This page was last edited on 12 Decemberat The and P5 Pentium line of processors were 803866 of the design. The first personal computer to make use of the was designed and manufactured by Compaq [8] and marked the first time a fundamental component in the IBM PC compatible de facto standard was updated by a company other than IBM.

These are measured in tens of thousands of times, compared to the originalor hundreds of thousands of times compared to microprocessorr implementations of floating point on the

80386 Microprocessor Instruction Set Pdf Instructions

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