Facebook Source Code Friends List

  • What is meant by the ordered friends list initial data that you can find when viewing the page source on facebook? I have heard that it is the profiles you message the most and I have also heard that it is the profiles that look at your page the most but this seems unlikely.
  • An Extension to scrape all Facebook Profile IDs that 'like' a Facebook Page owned by the user, with basic easy-to-understand source code. Support only for domain www.facebook.com on Google Chrome in Developer mode. Built on Javascript.

Hello friends, Today I will tell you a method on how to trace an IP address from Facebook profile. You can use IP address and Dummy website to trace the Facebook user location online. We have share Facebook user location tracker software, which will help users to trace the Facebook IP address list.

You can create lists to organize your friends on Facebook (example: Close Friends, Acquaintances) and see posts from a specific friend list all in one feed. To see the feed for a friend list: From your News Feed, go to the Explore section in the left menu and click Friend Lists. Facebook claims it has nothing to do with who views your profile, but I think this is inaccurate. First of all, what does everyone expect FB to say? That in fact Initial Chat Friends List is at least partially influenced by who visits the profile?.


How do you Track someone on Facebook?

There are plenty of reasons why someone would try to trace the location of an unknown person. Tracking the location of Facebook friends can help in identifying who is who and whether they are what they claim to be. For example, an unknown Facebook user tells you that he lives in New York, his profile also shows New York as his residence, but when you check his location, you see that he is communicating from somewhere else. You can track the user by their IP address and dummy website.

How to Trace an IP Address from Facebook Profile – Facebook location Tracker Online

It can help you not only avoid suspicious scammers, and you can also keep a check on your family and friends. You can use this trick on how to trace an IP address from Facebook profile. You get a complete Facebook IP address list. Users can use this method as a Facebook IP address tracker.

How to Trace an IP Address from Facebook Profile

The simplest way to track a Facebook user’s location is through his IP address. Make sure that all browser tabs are closed except for Facebook, and keep chatting with the person whose location you are tracking. If possible, also delete all cache and history to speed up the process.

Read more: How to Chat on Facebook Without Messenger

Facebook Location Tracking Messenger

  1. Invite the user for chatting and keep him in a conversation.
    Make sure your chat in “ON.”
  2. Go to Start and search “Command Prompt” in the search box.
  3. Open the file with the same name in the search results. You can also open the command prompt by pressing Windows + R > type “cmd” in search box > Press Enter.
  4. Now type “netstat – an” without any quotes and press Enter.
  5. You will get a list of IP address which looks like masses of numbers entered randomly.
  6. Copy the “Local Address” and “Foreign Address.”
  7. Now save them on your clipboard.

One of these addresses is the IP address of the person you are talking with on Facebook. Now you just have to convert these IP addresses to reveal the location of its user. To do this, you will have to use an IP tracker or converter.

Read more: How to Delete Facebook Account Permanently Immediately

  1. Visit What is my IP address and paste one of the IP addresses you just copied. Remember that the list of IP addresses will be shorter if you close all tabs except for Facebook and delete all history and cache.
  2. Click on the Search button and wait for the results. IP-Address will show you all the information related to the IP address you entered including its current location.

Facebook IP Address Tracker

Using IP address is one of the “sure-fire” methods to track the location of any Facebook user. However, nowadays many devices, web browsers, and even third-party applications come with advanced security features which redirect their users’ web activity through a proxy server. In simpler terms, they hide the original IP address of their users and display a fake or proxy one. If you use the above method on such a user, then search results by IP-Address will directly tell you that the IP address entered is that of a proxy server. Therefore, our team has come up with another way to track Facebook user location in case he/she is using a proxy server.

How to Track Facebook User Location with a Dummy Website – Facebook Message Location Tracker

You can use this method to track Facebook user location as an alternative to above method. This method will tell you the exact location of a Facebook user. This method works as Facebook location tracker online. You can track/trace Facebook friend location. To make sure the location of only those people whom you gave the URL are tracked, keep your website address private. It will prevent other people from confusing your stats.

Facebook Message Location Tracker

  1. First of all, you’ll need a dummy website that you can quickly create with Blogger.
  2. Once your website is created, integrate it with StatCounter or Google Analytics.
  3. Google Analytics and StatCounter are two different sites that offer the same service, tracking and reporting website traffic. Website admins use them to keep a record of people who are visiting their website.
  4. Once your dummy website is created on Blogger, go to Google Analytics and register the new website using the site URL, for example, “anything.blogspot.com.” Then just follow the instructions provided to complete the integration. You can use another method of StatCounter and set up a new account. Now create a new project by providing the details of your dummy website and click on “Add Project.” Now follow the instructions given to integrating your website with StatCounter.
  5. Next step is to obtain the Facebook user’s location with the dummy website created. Copy the web address or URL of your site and send it to the person you want to track. Make sure that he opens the link and goes to the website.
  6. Once you’re confident that he/she has opened the website once, log in to StatCounter or Google Analytics
  7. Now you’ll see all the information of the Facebook user who clicked on the link – his IP address, country, city, and even browser.

You can also double check this data by using both Google analytic and StatCounter at the same time.


This method is working and verified by our team. You can use the second method with dummy website to track Facebook message location tracker. Users can use the second method like Facebook location tracker software and trace their Facebook friend location. Both these method are easy to follow If you know any other way. Then do share with us in a comment below and don’t forget to share this article with your friends.


Facebook gives its users the possibility to restrict the visibility of their friend list. It is known that by exploiting the “mutual friends” function, is possible to bypass the visibility restrictions under certain conditions. We will present a way and a tool to automate the procedure in order to maximize the number of hidden friends that can be found.

Furthermore, using the same tool we will see how to build a network graph of the relationships among the friends found, in order to represent the friendships between them.

We will also see how it is possible to plot the graph using the tool Gephi and propose a way to identify sub-communities within the graph.

Finally, we will apply the procedure to a practical example scenario: we’ll retrieve some of Mark Zuckerberg’s hidden friends, plot them on a graph, identify sub-communities and export the final graph in a format that can be explored with a browser: here is the final result.


Please beware that Facebook Terms of Services prohibit scraping without permission: therefore you should not use any scraping tool without proper written authorization. All the information provided in this and related articles are for educational purposes only. The authors or @Mediaservice.net are in no way responsible for any misuse of the information or the code provided.

Reconstructing a hidden friend list

Facebook lets its users decide whether to display their own friends on their profile page, as well as to whom. In the settings page it also displays the following warning:

Remember, your friends control who can see their friendships on their own Timelines. If people can see your friendship on another timeline, they’ll be able to see it in News Feed, search and other places on Facebook. If you set this to Only me, only you will be able to see your full friends list on your timeline. Other people will see only mutual friends.

This is because Facebook also offers the “Mutual Friends” function, which shows friends that two accounts have in common, provided that at least one of them has their friend list visible to the current user.

This issue has been known for years and, despite the recently increased attention on users’ privacy declared by Facebook, it is not considered a concern by the company.

The functionality is available at the URL https://www.facebook.com/browse/mutual_friends/?uid=ID1&node=ID2, where ID1and ID2are the numerical ids of the two Facebook accounts. Later we will learn how to find any user’s Facebook ID.

Please beware that results returned by Facebook are neither complete nor consistent. Calling the same function from different locations or accounts might yield different results.

Facebook Source Code Friends List By Name

Facebook Source Code Friends List

Thanks to the mutual friends functionality it is possible to reconstruct a good portion of a target user’s friend list: given an account that is known to have their friend list visible to the current user and at least one mutual friend with the target user (called pivot), starting from their common friends, it is possible to iteratively apply the mutual friends functionality, using all new friends found at each step as an input to another iteration, until the function’s fixed point is reached (i.e.: all friends have been pivoted on and no new friends are found).

In order to show the potential of this method, I have written a simple Python tool that executes the above described procedure automatically. Please beware that Facebook Terms of Services prohibit scraping without permission: therefore you should not use the tool without proper authorization.

The tool is called ffff and can be downloaded from Github. It is written in Python 3 and uses the selenium library and Mozilla geckodriver in order to open up a browser and recursively visit the mutual friends pages. While it does so, it keeps track of the relationships found in order to build a network graph (more on this later). In order to not be detected as scraping by Facebook, it pauses for a random number of seconds between each request; this interval can be reduced, at the risk of being blocked by the platform. At the end of the procedure, it yields a csv file with the list of friends found and a gexf file with the related graph.

Build a network graph of friends

While iteratively applying the mutual friends functions to all target’s friends, we can also keep track of the relationships existing among the target friends themselves: if we find that target user T and pivot user P have a common friend C, we know not only that C is friends with our target, but also that P and C are friends.

Iterating this procedure, we are able to build a network graph of the Facebook friendships found along the way, where nodes are users and edges are existing friendship relationships.

Facebook Page Source Code

One could think of assigning a weight to an edge proportionally to how many times the relationship has been observed. The tool ffff allows you to do so (option -w), but in our scenario it is not meaningful information, also considering that it is strongly influenced by the privacy settings of each user (the more users in a community have a public friend list, the more often relationships in that community will be observed).

Once we have a graph, we can run different algorithms on it in order to try to identify existing communities within the network. In a practical scenario, for example, this might help to identify the community of work colleagues, family, closest friends, etc.

Pratical Example: Zuck’s friends communities

As an example, we will try to fetch some of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook friends, who is certainly aware of this possibility.

Please note that you can obviously build a relationship graph of a user with a public friend list: in that case, you wouldn’t need a pivot user; just use his/her Facebook ID both as the target and the pivot.

Find the target’s Facebook ID

We need to know Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook ID. In order to find the numerical ID of a Facebook account there are several ways: a simple Google search returns many online services that offer to do it for you. Our favorite way, though, is to do it autonomously: open the target’s Facebook profile page (in our example, Mark Zuckerberg’s) in a browser and inspect the HTML source code (Ctrl+U). In the code, search (Ctrl+F) for the pattern fb://profile/; there should be two matches, both followed by the same integer value: this number is the Facebook account id. In our example, since Mark Zuckerberg is one of the first users of the platform, the number is very small (4); expect to have much bigger numbers for regular users.

A quicker alternative to the above method is shown in the next paragraph.

Finding pivot users

We also need to find at least one account that has a public friend list (or a friend list visible to our account) and at least one mutual friend with our target.

Generally, a good way to do this would be to look at users who have interacted with the target, for example by commenting or reacting to his content. Also notice that in order to maximize the number of friends found, it is better to have many pivot users belonging to different communities (e.g.: work colleagues, family members, sport friends, etc.). The more, the better.

I have written an auxiliary script that automatically finds users who have interacted with a given target profile; it’s called fint.py and is included in the ffff’s project’s repository. It works in the same way ffff does, therefore I will just give a quick example usage (use the switch -h to show all available options). Refer to the section “Find hidden friends with ffff.py” or the project’s page on Github for more general information.